Home Business Has Political Correctness Jumped the Shark? Examining the Controversy

Has Political Correctness Jumped the Shark? Examining the Controversy

Has Political Correctness Jumped the Shark? Examining the Controversy
Political Correctness Jumped the Shark

“Jumping the shark” is a term used to describe a moment when a TV show or other cultural phenomenon loses its relevance or credibility due to an absurd or unbelievable plotline. In recent years, some have argued that the concept of political correctness has “jumped the shark,” meaning it has become absurd or gone too far. This article will examine the controversy surrounding political correctness and whether or not it has indeed “jumped the shark.”

First, it’s important to define what is meant by political correctness. The term generally refers to language or behavior that is intended to avoid offense or discrimination against marginalized groups. For example, using inclusive language to refer to people of different genders or avoiding derogatory terms that refer to people with disabilities.

Proponents of political correctness argue that it is a necessary tool to promote inclusivity and equality. However, critics argue that it can stifle free speech, limit academic inquiry, and create an overly sensitive environment.

The controversy surrounding political correctness has been fueled by several high-profile incidents. In 2017, a controversy erupted at Evergreen State College when students accused biology professor Bret Weinstein of racism for refusing to participate in a “Day of Absence” event where white people were asked to stay off campus. Weinstein’s criticism of the event led to protests and threats against him, ultimately resulting in his resignation.

Another incident involved a 2018 controversy at the New York Times, where an op-ed by conservative commentator Bret Stephens was criticized by staff members and readers as being transphobic. Critics argued that the op-ed was insensitive to the experiences of transgender individuals and contributed to harmful stereotypes.

These incidents and others like them have led some to argue that political correctness has gone too far and has become an obstacle to free speech and academic inquiry. Critics argue that political correctness has become a way to shut down opposing viewpoints and stifle debate.

However, others argue that political correctness is still a necessary tool for promoting inclusivity and equality. They point to the progress that has been made in recent years towards greater acceptance and recognition of marginalized groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community.

It’s also worth noting that the controversy surrounding political correctness is not new. The term itself has been around since at least the 1980s, and debates about political correctness have been ongoing since then.

In the 1990s, some conservatives used the term to criticize what they saw as excessive liberalism and sensitivity on college campuses. They argued that political correctness was a way to silence conservative voices and limit free speech.

However, critics of this view argued that the term “political correctness” was often used to dismiss legitimate concerns about discrimination and prejudice. They pointed out that the term was often used to defend offensive language or behavior and to minimize the experiences of marginalized groups.

The current controversy surrounding political correctness is a continuation of these earlier debates. However, it is clear that the issue has taken on a new urgency in recent years, as social media and other digital platforms have made it easier for people to express their opinions and engage in public debates.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not political correctness has “jumped the shark” is a matter of perspective. Some may argue that it has become an obstacle to free speech and academic inquiry, while others maintain that it is still a necessary tool for promoting inclusivity and equality.

Regardless of where one falls on this debate, it is clear that political correctness will continue to be a contentious issue for years to come. As our society becomes more diverse and complex, it is essential that we find ways to have productive discussions and debates about these issues while still maintaining a commitment to respect, tolerance, and open-mindedness.


the controversy surrounding political correctness and whether or not it has “jumped the shark” is a complex issue with passionate arguments on both sides. While some argue that political correctness has become an obstacle to free speech and academic inquiry, others maintain that it is still a necessary tool for promoting inclusivity and equality. As with any contentious issue, it is important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to engage in respectful debate and dialogue.